jueves, 31 de enero de 2008

Go to the Casino With My Grandma

Sins I am like 6 years old she always has tell me and my older cousin (because we are the oldest ones) that she would love to go with us to the Casino...and well, why not?..it would be an interesting experrience..no matter I have to wait to more long years..Someday Ill go with her!

Forgive, Love And Be Greatfull

I know I could die in any minute reason why most of the times I try to give the best to be

remebered the best way there could be, but i'm conscience many times I dont say lots of things I would like to. So as a porpuse in live, we be to forgive, love and be greatfull all the time.

Explore Egypt Pyramid

I dont care if conditions in Egypt are not the ones I am used to. I have to go there! It would be sooo amazing!I mean I wont see them in movies, or in internet or in books..I would have the posibillyty to tuch them! and that would be a unic oportunity =D

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008

Ride On A Balloon

How awsome would it be!! It would be like being in a plane but with birds beside you!with the wind on your face and the sun shinening rigth in front of you!

Would Love 2 Write A Book!!

I swear I'll do it!someday, you'll see Im going to be famous! I mean, I love to write about almost anything..and friends who have seen some of the things I write always tell me I have some kind of courtesy tittle..so, will see!

domingo, 27 de enero de 2008

Have 2 Learn How 2 Cook!!

I am so bad at cooking! EVERYBODY I know and have had to witness my food could say it without thinking it!

But well, that is not only it. I also heat to do It too hahaha I think its soooo boring...but as my mom says: if I dont learn to cook I cant get married so with this terms...I prefer to learn =D